Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 9NAFLD0 is one of the most common liver diseases affecting our population nowadays. This is because of the increasing prevalence of obesity and diabetes mellitus in our country. Fatty liver is inextricably linked to these diseases. The underlying causative mechanism is the same in fatty liver and diabetes mellitus- insulin resistance. Obesity predisposes a person to develop diabetes mellitus.
Currently there is a special non-invasive scan available which can measure accurately and in numbers, the amount of fat as well as the degree of hardening (fibrosis) in the liver. It is considered the gold standard diagnostic test for fatty liver disease. Although the non-invasive scan is carried out in a very similar fashion as an ultrasound of the liver, it is different. The non-invasive scan does not look at the shape, size and structure of the liver which an ultrasound does. On the other hand, ultrasound of the liver cannot accurately assess the amount of fat and fibrosis of the liver. Both the non-invasive scan and ultrasound of the liver are therefore complementary tests. Assessment of hardening of the liver is very important in all liver diseases such as chronic hepatitis B and C infections. The non-invasive scan measurements have been locally validated by a team of researchers from the University of Malaya and the cut-off values well established.
Dato’ Dr. Goh Khean Lee is a Emeritus Professor at University Malaya and consultant gastroenterologist and hepatologist at UMSC as well as at our Cengild G.I Medical Centre. If you would like to make appointment with our Dato’ Dr. Goh Khean Lee, you can call us at 03 – 2242 7000 or whatsapp us now at +60 11-2110 2798.