Cari Dokter Buat Janji atau Ajukan Pertanyaan Paket Kontak Kecemasan

Dr Ramesh A/L K Gurunathan

Dr Ramesh Gurunathan
Dr Ramesh A/L K Gurunathan
MBBS (Mang), M Surg (UKM), FRCS (Ire)
No. Telepon
Waktu Klinik
Tuesday :
8.30am - 12.00pm
Wednesday :
2.30pm - 4.30pm
Thursday :
8.30am - 12.00pm
Saturday :
8.30am - 12.00pm

Dokter Lain dengan Spesialisasi Serupa

Dr Andrea Ooi Se-En
Operasi Umum
MBBS (MAHE), MS (UKM), Dip. Laparoscopic Surgery (India), Fellow in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery (Taiwan)
Dr Ausama A Malik
Bedah Kolorektal, Operasi Umum
MB BS (Malaya), Master of Surgery (Malaya), Fellowship in Colorectal Surgery (Edinburgh)
Dr Lim Kin Foong
Operasi Umum, Hepatobilier
MBBS (Malaya), FRCS (Ire), Fellowship in HPB Surgery and Liver Transplantation (Brisbane)
Dr Mohamed Akhtar bin Mohamed Ditali Qureshi
Bedah Kolorektal, Operasi Umum
MBBCh Hons (Dublin), BAO, LRCP&S (Ireland), BSc Hons (Dublin), FAMM FRCS (Ireland), FRCS (England), FICS (UK), FRCSEngland (Gen), MCh (Dublin)
Dr Mustafa Mohamed Taher Al-Khafaji
Operasi Umum, Bedah Gastrointestinal Bagian Atas & Bariatrik
M.B.Ch.B (Baghdad), Master Of General Surgery (UKM), Upper Gastroenterology & Bariatric Fellowship (UKM)
Dr Navin Mann
Operasi Umum
MBBS (RCMP/UM), MS (UKM), Fellowship in Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery (India), Fellowship in Advanced Laparoscopy Surgery (India), Diploma in Laparoscopic General Surgery (France), CICO (India)
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